The Mayan Destiny

Price 18.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781780874227

It is 2047: fourteen years since Jacob Gabriel descended into the Mayan netherworld, while his twin brother turned from his destiny, choosing to remain behind. Immanuel Gabriel - still running from the forces that hunt his bloodline - believes his actions proved his role in the ancient Mayan prophecy to be a myth. Now, though, he will realize his mistake: they merely delayed it. A vacuum-like anomaly is growing in outer space - a side effect of modern science"s particle collision experiments - one that will soon herald the destruction of the entire planet. Yet, Immanuel soon discovers, it also offers our only hope of salvation. Immanuel must travel through this wormhole and transport himself back to a time long before his birth - the year 1990. Here, fate will lead him to his archaeologist grandfather, Julius Gabriel, and his then-teenage son - and Immanuel"s father - Michael Gabriel. Together, they must unearth the Mayan prophecy"s final secret, that which holds the key to preserving all life. Only by doing so can Immanuel Gabriel fulfill his true destiny. The Mayan Destiny is a doomsday thriller paced like a particle in a Large Hadron Collider. Its time travel component makes it as much of a prequel to Prophecy as it is a sequel to Resurrection, leaving the awestruck reader wishing they themselves could go forward in time to obtain a copy of the next book in this fantastically addictive series.