Be a Greener Parent (Teach Yourself)
Price 16.38 - 17.76 USD
A realistic, affordable approach to bringing up a child in an ethical, environmentally conscious manner Going beyond the immediate concerns of washable vs. disposable diaper, this guide provides an all-around approach to a balanced, ethical family and domestic life. It covers everything from pregnancy through childbirth and beyond, and features plenty of advice on how to make ethically informed choices about education, travel, and even issues such as how much clothing and how many toys a child really needs. Always realistic, the guide offers parents a system whereby they can either make wholly "green" choices, or can opt for a more convenient and practical approach with minimum effort. These unique "Green Box Guides" in addition to the substantial resources and bibliography featured make this a comprehensive yet accessible handbook for all those who want to take a more ethically aware approach to their family.