Power Classes XI Cabalist

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781904577072

Names, symbols, planes of power, and oaths of fealty; these are the magical tools of the cabalist. Spellcasters of a singular nature, cabalists perform rituals and call upon mysterious entities for everything they do, even creating rites for the blessing and sanctification of the tools they use to perform their rites. Blurring the line between priest and wizard, the cabalist professes to surpass both of them in the scope of his power. When reality itself in the form of its incarnations grants a cabalist his spells and provides the near-limitless energy behind his abilities, who can dispute his claim? Both divine and arcane, the magic of a cabalist is bound into words and signs, crafted by the intricate weaving of rituals and ancient intonations. A cabalist can seek to explore the mysteries of the planes and beings of infinite power on his own or join with a circle of like-minded seekers to work even greater rites in the name of entities that were old when life first emerged from the seas and will exist long after the sun becomes a cinder in the lifeless heavens. Cabalists walk in the shadows of truly unimaginable beings, drawing upon the merest echoes of their attention and working grand magic with their stolen power.