The View from the Little Chair in the Corner: Improving Teacher Practice and Early Childhood Learning (Wisdom from an Experienced Classroom Observer) (Early Childhood Education Series)

Price 21.27 - 27.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780807750391

"This thoughtful guide to preschool teaching is exquisitely detailed and imbued with the author"s deep respect for children. It will serve as an inspiration for prospective teachers, as a reaffirmation for veteran teachers, and as a window into the complexities of the classroom for parents." -- Leonard W. Hamilton, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey This is a down-to-earth, heart-to-heart book about what it takes to be an exceptional early childhood teacher. The author uses her experience as a classroom observer and a developmental psychologist to create a rationale for best practice -- the reasoning behind the best (worst and average) classroom practice. Cindy Rzasa Bess examines a variety of classroom scenarios and describes how teaching was done well or how it could be done better. She clearly illustrates how simple changes and heart-felt efforts can have outstanding results. This informative book will appeal to readers on a personal level and instill in them the need to fully understand their important role in a child"s life.