An Introduction To Surface Chemistry

The essential differences between the properties of matter when in bulk and in the colloidal state were first described by Thomas Graham. The study of colloid chemistry involves a consideration of the form and behavior of a new phase, the interfacial phase, possessing unique properties. In many systems reactions both physical and chemical are observed which may be attributed to both bulk and interfacial phases. Thus for a proper understanding of colloidal behavior a knowledge of the properties of surfaces and reactions at interfaces is evidently desirable. Whilst the conditions of equilibrium for such systems were clearly enunciated by J. Willard Gibbs and Sir J.J. Thomson a great impetus was given to the subject by supplementing the formal thermodynamic treatment with a clearer visualization of the molecular structure of surfaces by Sir W.B. Hardy and I. Langmuir. In this monograph an attempt has been made to present the subject from this point of view, and whilst the text is admittedly incomplete as a compendium on colloid chemistry yet it is hoped that the elaboration of the physics and chemistry of these degraded two-dimensional systems may prove of value to those concerned in problems of colloidal behavior.