Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change
Price 76.43 USD
Course Cartridges Course cartridges offer you provide you with flexible, editable content in formats that import easily into most major learning management systems. This course cartridge includes all the assets found on this Instructor Teaching Site and relevant links from the Student Study Site in and easy to upload package. This Updated Fifth Edition replaces the Fifth Edition of this text (ISBN 978-1-4129-5862-2) and comes with a new bonus introductory chapter on the Obama election, plus a new convenient paperback format - and a new, even lower price of only $75.00. Joseph F. Healey’s Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class, Updated Fifth Edition builds upon the bestselling status of the four prior editions, praised for the author’s writing style and the various effective pedagogical features that ensure students engage with core concepts in a meaningful way. With many updates and revisions, this edition once again uses sociological theory to tell the story of race and other socially constructed inequalities in the United States with consistency and clarity. Chapter-ending current debates based on the writings of prominent scholars spark classroom discussion on important issues, and first-person accounts, “Narrative Portraits,” are threaded throughout the text to bring life to a variety of topics.New to the Updated Fifth Edition*New* bonus prologue Obama Election chapter*New* paperback format*New* even lower price of only $75Offers briefer and more accessible format without sacrificing rigor Combines Chapters 3 and 4 to better illustrate the relationship between the individual level and societal level factors that create racial, ethnic, and gender prejudice and conflict Incorporates Chapter 13 on global and comparative dynamics into the rest of the book for more integrated global coverage in every chapter Presents a new four-color design throughout the text to make it more appealing and dynamic Provides new maps of the world and more global examples throughout the text and in Comparative Focus boxes Includes new data and a case study on the racial and ethnic consequences of Hurricane Katrina Contains more information on New Immigrants including Arab Americans, Caribbean Americans, and other groups that have become part of the social fabric of the United States in recent yearsAccompanied by High Quality Ancillaries!Password protected Instructor Resources at www.pineforge.com/healeyregc include updated chapter overviews, classroom activities, and suggestions for discussion; new and updated test questions including multiple choice questions, true/false questions, and essay questions; PowerPoint slides consisting of lecture outlines, exhibits, and examples; and exhibits. An open access Student study site at www.pineforge.com/healeystudy5 includes Chapter self-quiz questions, e-flashcards, revised internet research projects for each chapter, NPR"s "This American Life" audio files and discussion questions for each chapter, PBS "Frontline" video links and discussion questions, and Learning from SAGE Journal Articles Intended Audience This popular, comprehensive core text is designed for undergraduate courses on race and ethnic relations, minorities, or race, ethnicity, and gender in sociology departments.