Winning in High-Tech Markets: The Role of General Management : How Motorola, Corning, and General Electric Have Built Global Leadership Through Tech

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780875843254

Morone"s investigation into the role of general management in building competitive advantage on the basis of technology highlights three U.S. successes in high-tech markets. GE Medical Systems, Motorola Communications, and Corning are among a small number of U.S. businesses that have built global leadership in precisely the kinds of high-tech markets in which many U.S. firms have been outperformed by their Japanese counterparts. Morone explores the managerial strategies, practices, and philosophies behind their success, and how these influenced, and were influenced by, technology development. His conclusion that successful firms are often those whose corporate strategies are shaped by technology opportunities is striking in its divergence from the conventional wisdom about American managerial practice and the role that government can play in promoting high-technology strength. This book will be of interest to all managers in high-tech firms, to general readers concerned with issues of U.S. competitiveness, and to policymakers and analysts.