The Norman People and Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America

This book is an invaluable resource to those researchers of families with early descendants from England. The work is primarily directed toward the three ethnic groups of Anglo-Saxons, Danish, and Normans, and consists of introductory material, including histories and backgrounds of each group, alphabetical lists of names (including origins and derivations, and early bearers of the name), and an index of more than 5,800 surnames. Sections and Chapters include: ADDITIONAL NOTES. I. On the Nomenclature of Races. II. On The Extent of the Danish Dominion in 879. III. On the Family of Hastings. CHAPTER I. Discovery of the Descendants of the Norman Nobility in England. CHAPTER II. Discovery of the Descendants of the Norman Commonalty in England. CHAPTER III. Criticism of Family History. CHAPTER IV. Constructive Principles of this Work. CHAPTER V. National Character of the Norman Settlement in England. CHAPTER VI. The Danish Settlement in England. CHAPTER VII. Gothic Origin of the Normans, Danes, and Anglo-Saxons. Present Diffusion and Numbers of the Gothic Race. ALPHABETICAL SERIES of existing Norman Names and Families taken from the London Post Office Directory. APPENDIX. Norman Names from AA to ALL taken from the Official Lists at Somerset House. INDEX of Mediaeval Surnames in this Work. Paperback, (1874), repr. 2012, Annex, Index, 500 pp.