OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry as of January 2007

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780808016236

Avoid serious errors, fines and penalties by making sure you have instant access to the full text of OSHA construction industry standards (29 CFR 1926), PLUS cross-referenced general industry standards (29 CFR 1910) wherever applicable, with up-to-date coverage of the complete standards and all amendments through January 2007. For your convenience, the complete text of each general industry section/appendix immediately follows each cross-reference. This single desktop reference also includes: -1903 regulations on inspections, citations, and proposed penalties; Revised 1904 regulations covering recording and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses; -5(a) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the "General Duty" clause); -1990 carcinogen policy and model standards; and -1926.750 Steel Erection Standard (based on final rule 66 CFR 5196).