Das Geographische Worterbuch Des Abu "Obeid "Abdallah Ben "Abd El-"Aziz El-Bekri

Price 148.71 - 252.28 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781607243137

The incomplete manuscript known by the title Book of Highways and Kingdoms was an ambitious undertaking by Abu Ubayd Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Bakri, an eleventh-century Spanish-Arab geographer who never left al-Andalus. Relying on what he read and what travelers reported to him, al-Bakri composed a substantial reference work describing the geography, climate, people and customs of the world he knew, constructing what was to become a medieval manuscript of renown. Presented here in the original Arabic, and divided into two volumes for convenience of use, this chronicle will be welcomed by medievalists and others interested in the perception of the world in the 11th century.