2007 Assemblies Cost Data (2007 Means Assemblies Cost Data)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780876298503

For quick and accurate square foot cost estimates and verifying unit price estimates... This indispensable tool provides you with thousands of building assembly and component costs. With the accompanying drawings, explanations, component breakdowns, and reference tables all within one easy-to-use format you can quickly estimate a building"s square foot cost and easily compare and price alternatives. You"ll find separate reference aids with code requirements to assist you in budgeting any job, or to quickly check a unit price estimate or subcontractor proposal. Tables of unit prices allow you to cost out virtually any combination of building components or assemblies in the logical sequence of how the building is built. Using the UNIFORMAT II numbering system as a guideline for consistent estimating and reporting, Means Assemblies Cost Data 2007 enables you to easily price and compare various building assemblies. Use the manual"s complete examples and references to build your own assembly cost data file.