Single Family Houses (Architecture Showcase)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788489861114

The evolution of architecture in the 20th century is the history of the transformation of the family dwelling cell. Le Corbusier with his machine d"habiter, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Alvar Aalto and other avant-garde architects presented a splendid collection of single-family dwellings which show new material and spatial solutions arising from the rapid changes in modern life. Today the single family dwelling is going through another period of renewal, which is expressed in the present volume through a collection of recent projects by famous architects: Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas, Antonio Citterio. Roberto Ercilla, Morphosis and Hiroyuki Arima, among others. We can see here the freshness of the new proposals, the respect of the postulates of the early years of the century, which are still valid, and above the dominance of a new aesthetics based on essentialism.