The Intrepid: Earth"s moment of awareness

The Intrepid, Earth"s moment of awareness is a science fiction novel about a mining and cruise ship that arrives in the solar system 48,000 years in the future. The approach of Loop I has compressed the heliopause for an imminent contact with the planet Jupiter. The purpose of the visit from these distant cousins is to witness the birth of the newest binary star in the Milky Way. The journey starts out as a marketing strategy to prove a new communication technique and turns into a rescue mission. Two thousand years ago a cloud of high-density galactic material floating within the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy overtook the solar system as it cut the galactic plane. The interaction of the cloud, the heliopause, and the outer planet Neptune marked the approach of a new age. Eager people searching for a justified existence quickly accepted the event as fulfilling the prophecies of their ancestors. The event occurred coincidentally around the time of Christ"s birth. The historical impacts of the event are obvious. The concepts of Christianity began to displace older religions as the Roman Empire started to fall. There was a general sense of enlightenment, but as expected social change is difficult. Many would strive to maintain an established order against any change instead of changing for the good others. Meanwhile, the solar system continued to slice a path back and forth across the galactic plane. Thousands of years later this cloud becomes known as the Local Cloud. It is now 48,000 years later and a shock front from a super nova that defines Loop I is compressing the Local Cloud and the sun"s heliopause. This unfolding event is defining the next chapter of humanity"s history, where our planet"s destiny becomes obvious; the social path of humanity is still a variable. We are the stewards of our environment. And yet that environment will change beyond our control. We need not stay and die. Many other species have come and gone before humanity. Can we leave in time to save ourselves? We have the free will and power to fade away or survive for a better day. Michael James Wilson is a retired electronic engineer. He has published technical papers on power conditioning techniques and the failure mechanism of components exposed to harsh electrical sources. His first published paper appeared in the Review of Scientific Instruments, July 1981. He is the principal inventor of three US patents and co-inventor of one other. One of his favorite areas of interest is the study of effects on objects subjected to harsh electrical environments in various situations.