Living in the Mesocosm
Price 4.60 - 12.95 USD
The subject of this book is the relationship that exists between you and the universe at the most fundamental level. Your perception of the universe determines the nature of the universe that you perceive. The universe itself - the world - is the macrocosm. It is not appropriate to say that you perceive the world - you only perceive a non-world, you only perceive your world (your world - the non-world, is opposed to the world). Your world is your microcosm. There are an immense number of microcosms in the universe. The main theme of this book is the realisation that one lives in a microcosm. When one has this realisation one enters the mesocosm. One then lives in the mesocosm. What are the implications of this realisation? How can one fruitfully live in the mesocosm? How can one use this realisation for one"s spiritual advancement? If you are interested in these questions then this uplifting book might be of interest to you.