Beauty in Trouble: The Art of Sam Flores

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781584233688

Color and contrast are the trademark characteristics of Sam Flores" artwork. Not unusual, perhaps, for someone who spent the first twenty years of his life immersed in the stark beauty of the New Mexico desert, an environment that has surely informed and influenced his aesthetic sensibilities. Beauty in Trouble is a career retrospective that shows his talent in evolution from when he started drawing as a kid, through his teen years when he was involved in the street art cultures of skateboarding and graffiti, to his current life as an established artist whose works are exhibited in galleries all over the world. It includes works from his most recent exhibition: Ego, Addiction and Other Bedtime Stories, in which he tackled what is perhaps one of the most pervasive themes in human existence: the eternal struggle between light and dark, between good and bad. Beauty in Trouble showcases Sam Flores" uniquely unpretentious and provocative style and his ability to demonstrate the potential for beauty to shine through, even in the darkest of hours.