Death of a Collector

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780755201679

Meet Freddie Darnborough, man about town in the 1920s. Popular and urbane, an ornament to any social gathering. Freddie is invited to a weekend at remote Devorne Manor by Sir Jason, a host neither popular nor urbane nor any particular ornament. A host, moreover, who is robbed and murdered a few hours after Freddie"s arrival. Fortunately another of the guests is a Detective Chief Inspector. An odd coincidence? So Freddie thinks, but the policeman soon proves his worth by arresting a suspicious character, a known criminal found lurking in the shrubbery. Freddie believes this man to be innocent of the murder. But Freddie is in a minority of one. And so, to save an innocent man from the gallows, Freddie himself must find the real murderer.