Christians and Muslims: Parameters for Living Together (Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations)
Price 14.11 - 32.53 USD
This book, the last in a series of eight, deals with a country that has 60 million plus Christians and 60 million plus Muslims. No other country has this kind of configuration without both being overshadowed by even larger majorities. In Nigeria, they are two equal majorities staring each other in the face. That makes this country, more so than any Arab or other Asian country. the most strategic laboratory or test case for how these two very different peoples can live in harmony. Earlier volumes have explored various aspects of the relations between them. Issues of violence, secularism, tolerance, pluralism and Muslim law have all come under the microscope. In this volume, you can read the proposals for peace and co-existence. Adherents are strongly encouraged to give a listening ear to their counterparts, feel their pain, consider their proposals, and then put their best foot forward to give each other a chance to prove themselves. From the street: "The books went well; both Christians and a few Muslims bought them. Some people promised that they will mail you to tell you did a very sound research about the religious problems in Nigeria. I should commend you on a good job! Some who could not get copies, have been calling me all this while...." -Numshi Augustine, Nigerian Retailer From the business: "We certainly want to be involved in the distribution of this set that is of growing importance to Nigeria. We would also like to distribute the Companion CD...." -Dr. Sidney Garland, Executive Director of Africa Christian Textbooks, Jos, Nigeria From academia: "Well done on this writing project. Very impressive and useful." -Dr. Timothy Palmer, Theological College of Northern Nigeria About the Author Dr. Jan H. Boer (Ph.D.-Amsterdam) has worked in Nigeria for a total of thirty years. He has served the Institute of Church & Society, the Christian Health Association of Nigeria, the University of Jos, the Theological College of Northern Nigeria and the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria. He has written significant books on economic and social issues in Nigeria. See his Web site He continues research and writing in Vancouver, Canada, with occasional trips to Nigeria.