Mynydda - Llawlyfr Swyddogol Y Cynnlluniau Arweinwyr Mynydd Ac Arweinwyr Grwpiau Cerdded (Welsh Edition)
Price 29.13 USD
This is the Welsh language edition of the UK"s best selling instructional hill walking book published by Mountain Leader Training UK - Hillwalking, the official handbook of the Mountain Leader and Walking Group Leader schemes (9780954151102). Dyma"r llawlyfr swyddogol ar gyfer y cynlluniau Arweinwyr Mynydda ac Arweinwyr Grwpiau Cerdded, mae"n llawn o wybodaeth a thechnegau hanfodol. Rhennir y llyfr yn dair rhan: Mynd o Gwmpas yn y Mynydd, Cynefin y Mynydd, a Rheoli Grwpiau. Ceir gwybodaeth am: Mordwyo a Chyfarpar. Deall yr Amgylchedd ac adnabod y Peryglon. Rheoli Risgiau, Sgiliau Arweinyddiaeth ac Alldeithiau. Datblygiadau Newydd mewn GPS, Arolygu Grwpiau o Bell, Deddfwriaeth Mynediad a Gwaith Rhaffau. Hefyd llawer o technegau defnyddiol sydd yn galluogi ceddwyr i cydgyfnerthu sgilliau bodoli a datblygu rhai newydd. Bu Hyfforddi Arweinwyr Mynydda ar y blaen ym maes datblygu sgiliau cerddwyr am dros ddeugain mlynedd. Dyma"r llyfr cyntaf o gyfres o lawlyfrau ar gyfer cerddwyr a dringwyr. Cynhyrchwyd y llyfr drwy gydweithrediad rhwng yr awduron ym Mhlas y Brenin, Canolfan Ymddiriedolaeth Hyfforddi Mynydda, a"r arbenigwyr yn Hyfforddi Arweinwyr Mynydda. Y BMC (Cyngor Mynydda Prydain), yw"r corff sy"n cynrychioli dringwyr, cerddwyr mynyddoedd, a mynyddwyr yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Bu"r corff yn falch o"r cyfle i ariannu costau cyfieithu"r cyhoeddiad pwysig hwn. Mae Mynydda"n llawlyfr hanfodol i bawb sydd am fynd tua"r bryniau a"r mynyddoedd. English translation of the above: Packed with essential information and techniques, this book is the official handbook for the Mountain Leader and Walking Group Leader Schemes. The book is split into three parts: Getting Around in the Hills, The Upland Environment and Group Management. Chapters include information on: Navigation and Equipment; Understanding the Environment and recognising its Hazards including the latest information on water safety for walkers; Risk Management, Leadership and Expedition Skills; New Developments in GPS, Remote Supervision of Groups, Access Legislation and Rope Work; and, also many tried and tested techniques that enable walkers to consolidate existing skills and develop new ones. The book is a reference tool for every walker as well as for those who wish to lead in the hills. Its functional design with easy-reference colour-coded pages, striking illustrations that complement the text and accurate relief and line maps make this book an indispensable guide to the skills required for summer hill walking. Mountain Leader Training has been at the forefront in the development of walkers" skills for forty years. This book is the first of a series of manuals for walkers and climbers and has been produced by collaboration between the authors at the Mountain Training Trust"s centre, Plas y Brenin, and experts within Mountain Leader Training.