One Last Cast

Price 11.38 - 13.82 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781888125801

Listeners of Alaska Outdoor Radio Magazine turned up the volume just a little as Evan ended his show with "And now before we close the show, there"s just time for one last cast." One Last Cast is the collection of 120 of listeners" favorite one last casts. It"s more than fishing Alaska. It"s flying with Charlie"s pilot, an early-morning walk on a deserted Kachemak Bay beach, digging clams, pulling crab and shrimp pots, taking pictures, keeping a campfire going, and watching and interacting with Alaska"s wildlife. Sometimes it"s doing nothing -- taking time to just sit, relax, and enjoy the surroundings, breathing air so pure you can"t see it, listening to the deafening silence of a still night, or feeling the immense size of wilderness on a clear day with unlimited visibility. One Last Cast is the genuine Alaska outdoor experience.