Bake and Make Amazing Cakes (Kids Can Do It)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 625816484914, 9781550748499

Manufacture Alton Afarin Co.

Cakes -- especially homemade ones -- make any celebration special! This book is filled with 19 easy-to-do cake designs and decorating tips simple enough for kids to try on their own. Decorating with candies, cookies and other goodies means that no fancy pastry bags or labor-intensive parental supervision is required. The illustrated step-by-step instructions, full-color photos and delicious cake and icing recipes in this book in the Kids Can Do It series help kids take cakes from plain to WOW in no time flat! Kids can make a * scary dinosaur * bright butterfly * spooky jack-o"-lantern * cuddly cat * lucky rainbow * terrific tiger