The Essential IQ Workout

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780706376487

Challenge your mental prowess-and raise your IQ-with eleven brain-bending tests. Arranged by level of difficulty into three groups, the tests cover five subject areas: deduction from given facts, spatial discrimination, mathematics, word knowledge, and general knowledge. Flex your cerebral muscles and get ready to answer such "easy" questions as "If EVEN is 5, SYNTAX is 10 and FAULTY is 50, what is ARMOR?" and "What is the last term in this series? 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, X." Ready for something "more difficult"? Try: "Which is the odd one out? a) PYTW b) MLNB c) IVZH d) VEKD" and "The combined ages of three men is 100 years. Dick is four times as old as Tom, Harry is four years older than Tom. How old is each man?" Time limits are given, and the answers are included at the end of the book along with rankings to allow you to evaluate your efforts. Whether you choose to do these puzzles for entertainment or you want to test and improve your IQ, you are guaranteed a healthy mental workout. Just as performing physical exercise benefits the body, grappling with these challenging problems will benefit the mind. Answers 1. 1,000 in Roman numerals: V in "even" = 5; X in syntax = 10, L in faulty = 50 and M in armor = 1,000. 2. 2. 89: Starting at 3, each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. 3. 3. C - each other group contains: 1 letter with a curve 1 letter with 2 strokes 1 letter with 4 strokes 4. 4. Tom is 16 years Dick is 64 years Harry is 20 years Ward Lock 144 pages, 150 b/w illus., 5 1/4 x 7 3/4.