In Ephraim"s Footsteps

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781555177331

The House of Israel has played a key role throughout the history of mankind—and is playing an essential role in the gathering of Israel prior to the Savior’s Second Coming. The tribe of Ephraim is at the forefront of this great latter-day gathering. In this thought-provoking book, Clay McConkie shows: * The gathering of the House of Israel was foreseen long ago in the premortal councils * The tribe of Ephraim now plays a key role in taking the gospel to all the earth * All of the House of Israel will play a role not only on earth, but also in the hereafter The Lord’s prophets foretold how the tribe of Ephraim would open the way for the gospel to be preached in the latter days, beginning when Joseph Smith brought forth The Book of Mormon and restored Christ’s church. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are part of this wonderful plan Learn how the House of Israel has changed the world and will continue to do so.