The Complete Visual Basic .Net Training Course Multimedia Cyberclassroom

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780130651938

There"s never been a more powerful, effective way to master Visual Basic.NET programming! Created by leading corporate trainers Deitel & Associates, Inc., The Visual Basic.NET Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD-ROM integrates 22+ hours of audio, 193 hands-on exercises, nearly 21,000 lines of code, a 1,400-page e-book copy of Visual Basic .NET How to Program, and more - all designed to take you from the fundamentals to sophisticated Web services. Get comfortable with Visual Basic .NET, learn fundamental Visual Basic.NET syntax, then master object-oriented programming with Visual Basic .NET. Discover practical techniques for exception handling, XML integration, database access, networking, using ASP.NET WebForms, developing Web services, and more. Test your knowledge with hundreds of interactive self-review questions and programming exercises, get fast, in-depth answers from your fully searchable e-book, and discover hundreds of tips for maximizing performance, interoperability, reusability, and reliability.