Mauet"s Trial Notebook

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780316551113

When you go to trial, an efficient system of organizational management is crucial. Mauet"s system is widely relied upon as the one that provides everything you need to prepare logically and efficiently for any kind of case. In the first trial notebook system to include computerized document forms, Mauet makes it easy to: * Organize your testimony, exhibits, research - everything you need to try your case * Choose your own categories to assemble all necessary information * Summarize the motions and filings you must make - and when to make them * Develop a trial strategy. You"ll have proven, easy-to-use forms (both paper and electronic) for: * Reviewing legal elements of claims and defenses * Jury selection * Exhibits * Examination of witnesses * Closing argument and opening statement. You"ll also get the Federal Rules of Evidence, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Procedure - plus Mauet"s incomparable strategic advice.