Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Or a Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of Many Valuable First Editions, in the Library ... Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781150996047

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1822 Excerpt: ... 3Koffcm ptjilippi alemanu. Sfn bko fttt acobi. ab intetfigmum fancte barbate 3Cnno but milletimo quabr1geteffmo nonagegimo nuinto, fcoa 3tprili& An elegant, and rather striking device is on the reverse thus: 1036. Bellovacensis (vincentii) Speculum Historiale. Printed by Mentelin. 3 Vols. Folio. 1473. Unfortunately, the fourth volume, which completes the edition, and contains the above date, is wanting. This edition is important in a collection like the present, inasmuch as it is the only known work to which the name of Mentelin is subjoined in the colophon. It His name appears in the prefatory part of the volume, entitled De Arte Pnzdicandi, ice. as given in vol. L p. 179, of the Bibiiotheca Spenceriana. VOL II. F is executed in a very neat roman, broad-faced type, and considering its extent, is a very surprising production of early typography. There are neither numerals, signatures, nor catchwords. The most material thing, in a necessarily abridged account, will be to give a fac-simile of the colophon--in which the name of the printer thus occurs: EXpiJOr.piUMyM.VOLVMEN.SpECVLI.Ht STOSIAnS.IMpRESSVM.pER-IOxMNNEMMEKTELLW This copy is handsomely bound in dark russia by Hering. 1037. Bellovacensis (Vincentii) Speculum NaTurale. Without Name of Printer, Place, or Date. Folio. 2 Vols. These magnificent volumes (obtained from the sale of a portion of the Apponi library at Vienna) appear to be a reprint of Koeburger"s edition of 1483, and is considered by Panzer (vol. ii. p. 201, no. 157) as having been executed by that printer himself" about the year I486." The first printer of this work was Mentelin, who executed the preceding, and who also completed the present work, about the year 1473. A particular description is hardly necessary. The paper and print (the ...