Recovery from the Heart: A Journey Through the Twelve Steps for Native Americans

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592856404

Based on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Twelve Steps, and a system of principles, values, and laws common to many Native American tribes, these materials provide an innovative blend of positive recovery principles. Each part of Recovery from the Heart urges those of us who are recovering alcoholic or addicted Native Americans to apply what we learn by setting achievable goals, creating strategies for results, and building in follow-through experiences. DVD - Describing a natural path of growth for recovering Native Americans, these DVDs focus on possibility thinking, self-image, and self-talk as they guide us through a study of the Twelve Steps. Audio - Each of these four CDs discusses specific Twelve Step issues from a Native American perspective. Traditional music emphasizes, soothes, and deepens the meaning of the messages. Workbook - The workbook"s questions and lists bring together the realities of Native American struggles with positive recovery planning.