The Grand Inquisitor

"This particular visit has, of course, nothing to do with the promised Advent, when, according to the programme, "after the tribulation of those days," He will appear "coming in the clouds of heaven." For, that "coming of the Son of Man," as we are informed, will take place as suddenly "as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west." No; this once, He desired to come unknown, and appear among His children, just when the bones of the heretics, sentenced to be burnt alive, had commenced crackling at the flaming stakes. Owing to His limitless mercy, He mixes once more with mortals and in the same form in which He was wont to appear fifteen centuries ago. He descends, just at the very moment when before king, courtiers, knights, cardinals, and the fairest dames of court, before the whole population of Seville, upwards of a hundred wicked heretics are being roasted, in a magnificent auto-da-fe ad majorem Dei gloriam, by the order of the powerful Cardinal Grand Inquisitor.