The Ultimate Collection (Dlx Package)
Price 29.13 USD
Whether it"s Elvis, the Beatles, Louis Armstrong, or Hank Williams, one challenge to the recording industry is sustaining an evergreen artist"s appeal to succeeding generations. Hank"s legacy has received treatment ranging from the ridiculous (oily overdubbed strings on 1960s LPs) to the sublime (the 10-CD Complete Hank Williams). This generously programmed, 42-track compendium of essentials, a live Opry performance, and four radio transcriptions aims at newcomers for whom wading through the plethora of reissues can be difficult. Some may have discovered Hank as a seminal American artist. Curious younger listeners may know him as a charter icon of the alt-country scene or as Hank Williams III"s grandpa. Either way, the packaging here ably introduces Hank--instead of preaching to the converted--with vintage photos and graphics and producer Kira Florita"s elemental notes. In all, it makes the joy of discovering Hank a whole lot easier. --Rich Kienzle