Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM for Gustafson/Frisk"s Algebra for College Students, 7th
Price 44.56 - 52.80 USD
Think of it as portable office hours! The Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM contains more than eight hours of video instruction. The problems worked during each video lesson are shown next to the viewing screen so that students can try working them before watching the solution. To help students evaluate their progress, each section contains a 10-question Web quiz (the results of which can be emailed to the instructor) and each chapter contains a chapter test, with the answer to each problem on each test. This CD-ROM also includes MathCue tutorial and quizzing software, featuring a Skill Builder that presents problems to solve and evaluates answers with step-by-step explanations; a Quiz function that enables students to generate quiz problems keyed to problem types from each section of the book; a Chapter Test that provides many problems keyed to problem types from each chapter; and a Solution Finder that allows students to enter their own basic problems and receive step-by-step help as if they were working with a tutor.