Discovering the Arts of Japan: A Historical Overview

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9784770029393

Discovering the Arts of Japan is an image-driven history of Japanese art from the Jomon period (ca 10,500bc to 400bc) through the Meiji era (1868 to1912). Each chapter covers a chronological historical period, discussing art forms within the context of major historical events and the social and political background. In each period, art is examined under the subheadings of Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Calligraphy, Textiles, Lacquer Ware, Ceramics and Metal Ware. The book is amply illustrated with over two hundred black and white photographs from important museums, temples and rare private collections, with captions placed beside each photo for ease of reference. A map of Japan is provided, and a chronology and time line with other cultures will help readers compare periods and developments in other countries. Discovering the Arts of Japan is a concise handy reference book for those interested in Japanese art but who are not specialists, and will appeal equally to art history students, tourists visiting Japan and the general public with an interest in art. Providing a comprehensive overview of the major trends in art throughout the history of Japan, this book will provide a valuable springboard to further in-depth study of specific periods and art forms.