High Court Summaries on Civil Procedures (Keyed to Friedenthal, Ninth Edition
Price 35.50 USD
Case briefs keyed to the casebook Friedenthal, Miller, and Sexton on Civil Procedure, 9th. Law students cannot afford to waste a minute of their time. That"s why you need High Court Case Summaries. You"ll find that with High Court you not only save time, but also have the competitive edge with our exclusive features. High Court Case summaries provide the best written and most comprehensive student briefs available, with the most thorough analysis. Simply stated, you cannot get better briefs of the cases in your casebook, anywhere. Major and minor cases briefed. Every concurrence and dissent briefed. Memory Graphic - An entertaining "picture of the facts" helps you remember the case at a glance. "Party Line" - A simple memory aid for instantaneous recollection of the names of the parties and their relationship to each other. Case Vocabulary - Every new or unusual legal, Latin or English word found in the principal case is defined. Chapter Overview Outline - A short one or two page outline that summarizes the major concepts of each chapter, with citations to every case brief. Perforated pages. Three-hole punched.