Cantatas for One and Two Voices: Cantates francoises a I et II voix (1710) and the Grande symphonie Version of Dom Quichote (ca. 1728) (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era)

Price 140.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780895797360

Brand A-R Editions

Philippe Courbois operated in Paris in the first third of the eighteenth century, and the little we know about him comes from the Mercure de France. The chronicle mentioned the performance of his motets (now lost) at the Concert Spirituel, published his airs, and provided advertisements for his cantata publications. The present edition includes all of Courbois"s extant cantatas: the seven included in his Cantates françoises à I et II voix (1710), dedicated to the duchesse du Maine, and the version of Dom Quichote for grande symphonie, reprinted separately around 1728. These cantatas are remarkable for their high musical quality and several unique features, including a remarkable variety of voice types (soprano, haute-contre, tenor, and baritone), unique instrumentation, bold harmonic language, and the dramatic treatment of their texts (all by Louis Fuzelier). This edition demonstrates Courbois"s truly unique voice in the history of the French cantata and is the first to place his two versions of Dom Quichote-his take on the highly popular picaresque tale-side by side.