The Earthly Life of Jesus

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780945383253

No study is more fruitful than the study of the life and teachings of Jesus. If a thoughtful hour was spend each day in contemplation of the life of Christ, His character would be seen more fully in our life. The treasure contained in the pages of this book is the greatest treasure on earth today. Faithfully studied and prayerfully meditated upon, it will bring to us an experience which will strengthen us for this life and fit us for the next. It is for that ultimate purpose that this volume has been prepared. The Earthly Life of Jesus is more than just a harmony of the gospels. An effort has been to include i this volume every New Testament account of the events of Christ"s life on earth. Thus have been included accounts recorded by Peter who was an "eyewitness of His majesty," and by Paul who "received of the Lord" that which he delivered unto us. Altogether, references from seventeen New Testament books have been included. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are presented in their entirety. This book contains the text of the King James Version, originally published in 1611. One characteristic of the King James Version is its use of italics. Italics are used to indicate words supplied by the editors to help clarify the meaning and better relate the original language into English. All words of Jesus are in red. The Earthly Life of Jesus is outlined and arranged by event, with Christ"s life being divided into 180 events. Each event is numbered. For easy locating, event numbers are shown at the top of each page. While an attempt was made to follow the most accurate chronology, the purpose of the book is not to present come new chronological system, nor is there any attempt to defend such a system. The arrangement used is simply to facilitate an event-by-event study of the life of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus on a particular subject were not always confined to one event. Similar, and sometimes identical, teachings were often presented on more than one occasion. Such discourses are generally not grouped together, but rather are listed separately by occasion. In most instances cross references are given to direct the reader to corresponding teachings on other occasions. The book is divided into eight major parts, representing segments of Christ"s life. A complete listing of events in order by their number is found in the table of contents. This edition follows the SDA Bible Commentary references and uses the Spirit of Prophecy chronology.