Lavender and Linen

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780732281465

In her first book, Escaping, Australiana??born Henrietta Taylor"s fairya??tale existence a?? a happy marriage, children and a house with a white picket fence a?? fell apart when her husband, Norman, died of cancer. To escape her grief, Henrietta packed her bags, and, dragging her reluctant children behind her, went back to Europe where she had been happy as a penniless student many years before. In a small village in France, her luck began to change. Lavender and Linen finds Henrietta older and a little wiser, but still struggling to make sense of her unorthodox life. Should she stay in France, where the locals are odd, business is erratic, but the scenery is stunning? Will she ever resolve her relationship with Latin Ray a?? especially with the appearance of a dashing and attentive new neighbour? Humorous and cleara??eyed, Lavender and Linen is an irresistible story of a life gone almost right.