Sonic adventurers Viridian Sun follow up their daring, acclaimed debut, 1997"s "Solar Noise." "Perihelion" also follows solo releases by both members ("Sudden Dark" by M. Griffin, and the more recent "New Eyes on the Universe" by David Tollefson). Viridian Sun has always been about surreal alien soundscapes -- "Perihelion" again takes the form of long, abstract improvisation-based structures, and again utilizes synthesizers and treated guitars -- while taking off in a new direction, on an even more trance-inducing, bewildering, brain-spinning trip. While their debut earned the pair notice as among the more significant and unusual sonic experimentalists of recent years, this follow-up release is sure to elicit even stronger opinions. The Hypnos label has been known for releasing some very meditative, visual and hypnotic sounds,and this release is perhaps the strongest expression yet in that direction. These compositions evoke such rich and powerful sensory feedback in the listener as to give an experience very much like the viewing of a strange and dreamlike film -- but this is a cinema that changes with each listening.