Professional Open Source Web Services
Price 43.88 USD
Web Services is a new paradigm and probably one of the most discussed subjects amongst the IT solution providers. It is a simple concept that enables grand integration of various blocks of existing web infrastructure. It uses XML based messaging standards like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI which will provide solutions to the industry for many more years. Open Source products like Linux, Apache, Perl, PHP are popular robust parts of web infrastructure. The rising need of SOAP based web services has prompted the development of libraries for various open source languages in line with some industry efforts around .NET and J2EE framework. What does this book cover? - A comprehensive discussion of Web Services Architecture and chemistry behind it - XML based messaging standards like XML-RPC, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI and their details - SOAP implementations in various languages like Perl, Java, PHP, C++, Ruby and Python with real world examples - In depth coverage of Web Services using Apache AXIS and SOAP::Lite - EJB Web Services using JBoss - Case study of designing web services from legacy application - Embedded Web Services in java applets and devices using Open Source product kSOAP - A complete chapter on Web Services security considerations and developing secure web services since E-Commerce relies heavily upon security - The book is organized to provide separate coverage on theoratical and practical aspects of web Services blended with Open Source products