Leadership: Tools to Prepare Your Leaders for Joint Commission Survey, 2nd Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781601462671

Brand Hcpro Inc.

Train Leaders for survey day and improve patient safetyThe Joint Commission’s Leadership standards have undergone a complete overhaul, effective January 1, 2009. Hospital leaders tend to have little time for additional training. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Leadership: Tools to Prepare Your Leaders for Joint Commission Survey, Second Edition—the best-selling book and companion CD-ROM that focus specifically on helping you SAVE TIME training your leaders, with chapters exclusively devoted to explaining the changes and requirements of the leadership standards. The Joint Commission’s leadership chapter has been completely restructured and now includes a greater emphasis on patient safety. The Leadership standards now specifically address not only leadership structure, but relationships with the rest of the hospital, the culture as a whole, and more tangible areas such as performance and operations.