Powerha for Aix Cookbook
Price 71.42 USD
This IBM® Redbooks® publication will help you install, tailor, and configure the new PowerHATM Version 5.5, and understand new and improved features such as WebSMIT gateway, non-disruptive migrations, C-SPOC enhancements, and Disaster Recovery (DR) configurations, such as GLVM in asynchronous mode. This publication provides a broad understanding of the PowerHA and PowerHA Extended Distance (PowerHA/XD) architecture. If you plan to install, migrate, or administer a high availability cluster, this book is right for you. Disaster recovery elements and how PowerHA fulfills these necessities are also presented in detail. This cookbook is designed to help AIX® professionals that are seeking a comprehensive and task-oriented guide for developing the knowledge and skills required for PowerHA cluster design and implementation as well as for daily system administration. It is designed to provide a combination of theory and practical experience. This book will be especially useful for system administrators currently running PowerHA or PowerHA Extended Distance (XD) clusters who might want to consolidate their environment and move to new PowerHA Version 5.5.