Captive of My Desires

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780732282455

After the death of her mother, Gabrielle Brooks sets sail for the Caribbean to meet her father. En route, she is captured by pirates and held hostage, only to be ransomed by another pirate a?? her father! After three glorious years, her father sends her back to London to marry. While Gabrielle is beautiful and educated, she has no real desire to enter London society. But Georgina, wife of former gentleman pirate James Malory, and her brother, Drew Anderson, persist in making Gabrielle accompany them to balls and parties. Drew, a funa??loving rogue, is drawn to Gabrielle, but he wants nothing to do with a husbanda??hunting young woman. After he embarrasses her at a ball, she knows it will take extreme measures to make him admit that he can"t live without her...