Huichol Indian 2004 Calendar
The Huichol are a tribe of Native Indians living high in the mountains of western Mexico. They create vibrant "yarn paintings" to express their spiritual nature and their concept of art as a form of prayer. Amber Lotus warmly welcomes the return of this popular calendar that features this sacred art and lore of the Huichol shamans. Detailed captions provide information about the Huichol people and their shamanic mythology. Your purchase of this calendar helps support the Huichol Art Center in Mexico. The Birth of The Huichol Culture is represented by the peyote mandala in the center, a symbol for the morning star, Venus. Father Sun, Ta Kowyeh, created the earth, and the goddess Tacutsi Keakali Makame created the waters and rains. The "Queen of the Universe" sits on her visionary plant throne, flanked by the waxing and waning moon. Emerging out of the darkness she unleashes a panoply of creatures into the world and provides nurturing plants to sustain the lives of her children, the Huichol. The wolf ancestors and deer spirits teach the peyote rituals that will connect future generations to the inception of their world.