God"s Little Devotional Book For Women

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781562922122

Brand Honor Books

The devotionals in this book have been selected to provide a "pick-me-up" for your day. In the same way a snack or beverage gives you a burst of physical energy, these devotionals are snacks for the soul, awakening you to new insights about yourself and your relationships with family, friends and colleagues. They will encourage you in your daily walk with God and will serve as a source of motivation as you accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams. Our hope is that the material in this book will remind you of God"s promise--He is always near. Whether you heart is crying for comfort, protection, an expanded outlook, or direction, through these pages you will see He is both willing and able to draw you closer to Himself, shield you from harm, comfort you with His presence and encourage you with His Word. Do you need a "pick-me-up" today? Then these devotionals are for you!