Judasevangelium Und Codex Tchacos: Studien Zur Religionsgeschichtlichen Verortung Einer Gnostischen Schriftsammlung (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament) (German Edition)
Price 138.73 USD
Due to various archeological findings, fundamental progress has been made in the study of the history of the Gnostic religion in the past decades. One of the more recent discoveries is the so-called Codex Tchacos, containing the Gospel of Judas which had already been mentioned by Irenaeus of Lyons. Although the Codex Tchacos was already discovered in 1978, it could not be made accessible to the general public until 2006/07. Since this time, a number of new fragments have been published and added to the already edited texts. This new text is the basis for the studies in this volume, which attempts to outline the history of religion of the evidence handed down in the Codex Tchacos and to define its relationship to further traditions in the history of the Gnostic religion.