Successful ICT Projects in Excel

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781903112267

It is organised as follows: Part 1 Basic skills in Excel covers entering data, copying and moving cell contents and worksheets, naming cell ranges and worksheets, simple formulae, relative and absolute addressing, functions including VLOOKUP, IF, TRUNC, RAND etc., auditing, Lookup tables, Goal Seek, "What-if" scenarios and Solver. Part 2 Data analysis and presentation covers linking workbooks, filtering, sorting and subtotalling lists, PivotTables, charts and graphs, and printing. Part 3 Customising an application provides coverage of on-line forms, templates, transferring data to a database, protecting worksheets, macros and the Visual Basic interface, creating custom buttons, menus and toolbars. Part 4 Tackling the project handles ideas, the systems life-cycle and writing up the project. A Sample Project demonstrates how to lay out a complete project report, and the AQA project mark scheme is also included. The template for the sample project as well as a sample chapter entitled "Project Ideas" are available on the web site