Peace and War in Iraq 2003-2005

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844152643

Brand Leo Cooper

In Spring 2003 British armed forces, working closely with the Americans, became embroiled in fighting in Iraq for the fourth time in under a century. For regiments like the Black Watch, Irish Guards and the Royal Marines, as well as the Royal Navy and RAF, it was a new kind of war as they battled initially to secure the road to Iraq"s three main ports in the south. Along with their Coalition allies, they had to fight an unexpected war, in which the only consistent thing about the enemy was his unpredictability. This is the story of British service men and women, told in their own words. They describe the difficulties of fighting, trying to help a desperate and terrified people. Peace and War in Iraq is a story of the mayhem, chaos and moments of heroism and ingenuity, grave danger and fear and, as ever, the stoical humour of the British soldiers. Robert Fox has been given unique access to serving men and women of all ranks involved in the campaign. He also follows the continuing operation to restore order against the twin Campaigns of international terrorists and die-hard rebels from the old regime. In this dangerous follow-on action the British soldiers brought their unique skills in trying to bring humanitarian help and assistance while