Overcoming the 7 Obstacles to Spiritual Growth: The Journey to a Closer Walk with God

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780736917667

When we’re not satisfied with our Christian walk, what can we do? Dwight Carlson (author of Overcoming Hurts and Anger, 440,000 copies sold) explores the obstacles that impede faith and reveals how to set them aside and grow in the Lord. Through intriguing characterization, readers explore faith obstacles, including... The Dutiful Christian—a person who believes and practices the “right” things yet doesn’t have joy or victory. The Grace Abuser—a person who experiences freedom in Christ, but believes all people will be saved because God’s love is unconditional. Dr. Carlson also identifies the stages of growth and shows readers how to gauge where they are and look forward to an extraordinary life by embracing the completed work of Christ.