Special Educator"s Consultation Handbook
There is a growing need for consultative support due to litigation and the ensuing federal legislative effort which strongly encouraged the policy of developing educational programs for students with handicapping conditions that would be offered the least restrictive educational environment. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 has many states revising special education service delivery options to include and recognize general classroom placement with consultative support as being the most educationally enhancing and least restrictive environment for special education children. The chapters in this book reflect three important concepts: (a) how such classroom- and curriculum-based assessments can be accomplished; (b) how consulting teachers and classroom teachers have implemented classroom-based instructional and management programs for students in need of assistance; and (c) how consultative support, especially when done collaboratively, has resulted in successful outcomes for these students. This book is intended for special educators and professionals who offer resource support for students with mild handicaps or students at risk for school failure. This handbook is offered as a means of assisting and expanding teacher collaboration. The primary areas that are covered here in which classroom teachers my need assistance are teaching children to manage their own behavior and to self-record with the following academic and social behavior change projects suggested by the consulting teacher: Timed reading to improve speed, Increase in math and spelling accuracy, improvement of reading and writing skills, preparation for book report conferences, use of contingency skipping to increase rate of completion in math. Increase on-task behavior, following directions, completing work independently, decreasing inappropriate language and name calling, improving class structure based on behavioral observation.