Thread of Decency
In the Midst of Turbulent Times, Novel Weaves Together Themes of Corruption and Decency In the past year the American public has been under a steady assault of the news of one corrupt corporate downfall after another: Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, Martha Stewart. Details of corruption in Sadam Hussein’s government and family barrage the newspapers every day. In today’s constant battle between corruption and decency in business, the family, and elsewhere, A. Townsend Marshall’s new novel, Thread of Decency, examines the powerful forces that motivate his characters. Focusing on a multi-generational struggle between ethical behavior and sheer greed, Marshall intertwines the family and the business world to make this novel appeal to readers from a variety of backgrounds. Marshall combines the intrigue of mystery, murder, and suspense to captivate readers as he draws them into taking a deeper look at their own sense of ethics and integrity. Marshall’s first novel, Thread of Decency draws, in part, on the author’s professional experience, which includes implementation of major computing systems in functional areas of engineering, manufacturing, finance, general business, and eBusiness initiatives.