Vedic Beliefs and Practices Through Arthavada (2 vols)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788173052866

The Vedic ritual reasonings (arthavada-s) glorifying the Vedic rites and rituals and initially springing from the `sacred` tradition, bring directly or indirectly with them the beliefs and practices prevalent in the then Vedic society. At times are indicated in them the `avedic` beliefs and practices. The arthavada-s thus bear relation to the `secular` or profane tradition. Even admitting that the `sacred` and `secular` traditions are complementary to each other, more weightage has to be given to the `secular` or profane tradition, for it has provided much matter to the sacred tradition. The present book (in two volumes) dealing with the Vedic beliefs and practices, enables the reader to have a peep in the Vedic society of the hoary past and is an aid to know the cultural history of ancient India.