Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 5

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780198577317

This book is the fifth in a series on the subject of chemical signals, arising out of international conferences held every three years since 1976. This volume contains both substantial reviews and original research reports. Chemical cues and signals, usually in the form of odors, play a significant role in the lives of domestic and wild animals. Odors may attract or repel. They influence feeding and mating behavior, detection of predators and prey, social and spatial structure within groups, and the defense of territories. Biologists are continually refining their understanding of these phenomena and find ever more complex relationships among the chemical properties of the odor-producing substances, the physiological mechanisms of olfactory detection, and the behavioral responses of different kinds of vertebrates, and of the two sexes, under varying conditions. Researchers and scientists in the animal sciences will find this book of particular interest.