Teach Yourself Basic DIY (Teach Yourself - General)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780340947005

Your clear, concise guide to the essentials - half the price of the competition but with just as much information Ideal if youre a new homebuyer, or a time-pressured owner with no time to do more than the essentials covers everything you need for house maintenance, including how to assemble flat-pack furniture and unblock drains lots of clear b-and-w diagrams, and plenty of practical information Plenty of resources and safety tips, with clear indications as to what you should and shouldnt tackle alone teach yourself DIY explains all the basic tasks and gives you all the information you need to undertake essential decorating and maintenance in an informed and sensible manner. It offers insight rather than complex diagrams, options or methods, but is full of practical information and indispensable tips.